• Sculpture By the Sea

Ricky partners with Goldberg Aberline Studios for Sculpture by the Sea.

In August this year, Ricky Richards was asked to partner with the talented artists from Goldberg Aberline Studios for Sculpture by the Sea and there was no hesitation by General Manager, Kathryn Polgar to jump onboard.

On October 18 Sculpture by the Sea returned to the Bondi Beach to Tamarama Beach coastal walk for the 22nd year. On display are 100 sculptures designed by artists from Australia and around the world.

The boys from Goldberg Aberline Studios have turned Ricky printable backlit textile Samba and Nylon 420 fabric into a very special inflatable installation for Sculpture by the Sea! They have created a gigantic coral reef called: Microcosm.

Microcosm is Latin for little world. Taking a small piece of coral reef and exploding its scale to giant proportions, the work is a playful take on positive environmental change.

“It never ceases to amaze us what our clever customers can do with Ricky products.” Kathryn says. “This sculpture is truly amazing, and we are proud to have our fabrics on show in such a beautiful piece of art.“

If you would like to know more about these fabrics and how you can use them, contact one of the team experts today: RickyRichards.com.au/contact

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